
She was standing in line at the 7-Eleven, she was picking up the usual on a Friday night.

She could smell the hot dogs being heat up in the machine, she could see them turning and roasting. She enjoyed the smell of these hot dogs. 

Her usual Friday night order. A cheese hot dogs, popcorn and an extra-large Slurpee. It was going to be a long night. 

A woman in a red sweater stood next to her, the woman had a nice round face and for some reason, she just started talking to the woman. 

I went to class and saw some I had not seen in a very long time. It brought back so many memories it was out of the ordinary for me. We met a really long time ago, we were so young and inexperienced we did not know what we wanted out of life and we were trying to just find ourselves. It hit me today when I heard his voice, I have always wonder if he still remembers me. I do not know what has happened in his life but it brought tears and laughter and feeling I thought were not there anymore. When we met we thought we wanted the same things it turned out we did not and now we are in the same place, geographically speaking, and I wonder what will be the next thing, he might be married and have a happy family. The woman in the red sweater looked at me and smile. 


Dialogue with a friend

Sees him in the parking lot

Goes to see him but he is busy

Meets him in the cafe

Tells him she is happy for him.






Image: Short, Athletic, mid 30’s

Desires: Want to travel, 

Actions: quits her job

Conflict: She feels like life has passed her by

Voice: Strong voice, but sweet.



Image: Tall, dark brown hair, athletic

Desires: Become a teacher

Actions: goes to the gym, works and goes to school

Conflict: Does not like his job and wants to quit

Voice: well-spoken fast but clear


Katherine walked in and saw her in the last booth. Jessica was waiting for her.

Jessica looked up, smile and said

Katherine: Hi. 

Jessica: How are you? Was her answered? That was a good way to put things on her.

I’m good she said. Jessica knew something was up with her friend, she always knew. No use of hiding things. Jessica could see her friend was having a hard time.

What’s up?

Katherine looked out the window. There is no use hiding anything she knows me so well, she thought. Out the window, the wind was making the rusted leaves move in the payment. It was a picture Katherine always appreciate it. I love fall she thought.

Jessica smiled and said. It is a beautiful season, the colors are amazing!

Katherine: looked at her friend, tilted her head back and took a deep breath, the kind of you take when you are building the courage to face something hard.

He is my professor. She said

Jessica’s eyes open wide in surprise and said. No, it can be not Michael? It is amazing to have someone you can just say a word and they know what or who you are talking about. 


Three ladies

The Three Ladies

Not a week goes by when another person would come in and observe our beautiful ladies, some would ask where did you get them? Some others would just say, “I never saw them before and I being here so many times”, it is beautiful. Some others would ask for it or try to take claim of it. To which each of the ladies at the front desk with a smile would say the same thing each time “get in line but, know that we are in first”.

As you entered the office at your right hand you would see them every day, each wears a different colored dress with head warp and earrings that match. One wears a beautiful forest green dress, as you looked at it, it inspires you to think of beautiful greens of the fields, her head is covered with a wrap that conceals her hair, her round green earrings frame her beautiful milk chocolate oval face. Her expression is of peace, gentleness and with closed eyes you could almost hear her breath in the depth of her surroundings. Her long-handed fingers hold a tall, white, beige and gray water base. By the lady in green her sister stands in the middle with her burn yellow dress, the burn yellow of sugar cane burning in a faraway field, she also wears a head wrap and earrings, but her earrings are triangular and seemed to point to the exact point where your eyelids meet when you close your eyes. In the cradle of her right hand she holds the most precious of nature’s gifts to a woman, a child, the infant is wrapped in a beige baby blanket, the only part of the infant you can enjoy is his/her angelic face, you cannot see his eyes, by the expression of the woman holding him it seems that he is looking straight at her. Her cooing expression shows the worries of tomorrow, the joys of today and the pain of yesterday. The other woman in the left wears a blood red dress with her headwrap and earrings matching, but her earrings are square, her hair is not completely covered by her wrap for one can see her hair falling in a thick long ponytail, her long neck and  square earrings make her look royal, in her hands she holds a cluster of lilies of the valley, her expression is of peace and tranquility. Each woman holds her precious cargo with expressions that cannot be missed, each have her eyes close as if she did not want to see what is going around them but just enjoy their precious gifts and each other’s company in silence and tranquility.

the parking lot

She parked her car in the last parking spot that was available to her. From the driver’s seat she could see the rusted leaves that had become part of the floor with each movement of the wind more leaves fell from the trees leaving the trees more naked and bear and the floor lost its concrete color and become a bed of rusted reds, burned yellows, browns and one or two green leaves. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, the ones you take when you are trying to make yourself courageous and make yourself believe that you are invincible. She opened the door and stepped off her old, but well maintained ford mustang. She heard the sound of the wind hawolling past her ears and kissing her face like a gentle but old boyfriend. She loved the fall it was her favorite season. She could hear not only the wind but the leaves crushing under her gentle steps, it hurt her to crush such beautiful scenery, yet she kept on walking in to the cafe. She saw the big wooden door with its beautiful carving of leaves and flowers. She put her hand in the massive door and pulled it open, the beautiful smell and hot roasted coffee filled her senses. She loved coffee, coffee meant so many things to her, just one cap would take her back to her early years, coffee meant a hug from her grandmother, a smile from her uncle, a kiss on the cheek from her mother. Coffee was her place of comfort and peace. The warmth of the place gave her comfort. With each step she took in the noise, the rush of this saturday morning in particular. She finally saw her sitting down waiting for her. Her friend the longest of friendships the kind of friendship that knows anything and everything. She was sitting in the rusting table away from everyone hidden away a great place to sit down and catch up.