Katherine walked in and saw her in the last booth. Jessica was waiting for her.
Jessica looked up, smile and said
Katherine: Hi.
Jessica: How are you? Was her answered? That was a good way to put things on her.
I’m good she said. Jessica knew something was up with her friend, she always knew. No use of hiding things. Jessica could see her friend was having a hard time.
What’s up?
Katherine looked out the window. There is no use hiding anything she knows me so well, she thought. Out the window, the wind was making the rusted leaves move in the payment. It was a picture Katherine always appreciate it. I love fall she thought.
Jessica smiled and said. It is a beautiful season, the colors are amazing!
Katherine: looked at her friend, tilted her head back and took a deep breath, the kind of you take when you are building the courage to face something hard.
He is my professor. She said
Jessica’s eyes open wide in surprise and said. No, it can be not Michael? It is amazing to have someone you can just say a word and they know what or who you are talking about.
Nyomi: I saw something at the store and I thought of you. I hope you like it (smiling).
Jay: Hmm, I prefer next time not to buy me anything … if you want, you can give me the money instead.
Nyomi: I can.t believe you would say something that is so hurtful.
Jay: I didn’t mean to hurt you.
Nyomi: What do you want from me Jay? I try so hard to make you happy and still you criticize everything that I do. Why don’t you say what’s on your mind?
Jay: I’m not in the mood to talk right now. Probably later, okay.
“Your Majesty, I have His Royal Highness here.” the butler announced.
“Thank you Aston, that would be all.”
Taking a deep breathe, Nicola walked into his mother’s sitting room, immediately feeling goosebumps develop on his arms. Guess this is going to be a frosty encounter, he thought.
“Hello Mother. I was told you called for me.”
One look at his mother and he knew this meeting was not going to be different from any of the others. Raising from her chair and turning her back to her son, Queen Agatha pours herself some tea.
“Jaxon tells me that you have been down to the nearby towns. Sighters happened to see you fraternizing with the likes of … farmers and fishermen.”
“That is true. I wanted the chance to get to know more of those who are part of the kingdom but do not reside within the city walls.”
“Hmm,” stirring her tea, Agatha slowly turned around and looked directly at her son. “If you want to learn more about the people of Minalima, you can spend more time with the Royal Historian or any other member of the Court instead of consorting with those beneath you.”
“Beneath me? Those people are the very core of Minalima. You do realize that you are nothing without them? That we are nothing without them? This kingdom is not just what is found within the city’s walls.”
Agatha continued to coldly stare at Nicola. He couldn’t understand. His mother wasn’t always like this. He had distinct memories of her, good memories of her. Smiling, laughing, enjoying life. Who was this woman that had fashioned herself as his mother; wrapped up in her gowns and tiaras? What exactly occurred that turn his mother into a total and utter bi—
“And what of this dark-haired man that the Sighters speak of?”
Wide-eyed, Nicola opened his mouth several times in an attempt to speak. How could she know about that?
“Yes… I knew there was another reason for your visit to these so called ‘cores of Minalima.’ Nothing gets passed me, Nicola. Nothing.”
“I– I’m not sure what the Sighters told you but that’s exactly what happened, nothing.”
“Make sure that nothing does. You may be able to live with your… affliction but Minalima would never have a king like that. She needs someone strong, valiant. Someone who can continue the bloodline and run into battle when needed. Not someone… someone …”
“Someone like what, Mother? Someone gay?” Nicola’s heart had never felt like this. He imagined this is what it sounds like as a thousand horses gallop through an empty, narrow valley. And while his stomach may have dropped into the dungeons of the castle, he knew he had to continue.
“Yes, Your Majesty, your son is gay. This is not an affliction. The future king of Minalima is a gay man!”
“The future king of Minalima is no such thing! Someone lied to you several times if you believe that to be true.”
“And who else would it be, huh!? You have no other children, Mother. There is no other choice as your successor!”
Suddenly, Agatha began to smirk. “And that’s where you are mistaken, Nicola. Laws can be overturned and rewritten. New rules can be put in place. I would tear down the city walls myself before I see someone like you crowned.”
Nicola took a step back as if he had been pushed. She wouldn’t… she couldn’t.
“I am your son; your own flesh and blood! I can’t believe you would say something that is so hurtful.”
“Well I did.”
*I hate writing dialogue and this was honestly a real struggle. HELP!*
Jonathan came bursting into my room. His eyes were frantic as he looked my way. I was frozen on my bed with my phone in my hand. He walked towards me in quick, wide steps.
“I can’t believe you would say something that is so hurtful!” he spat as he pointed at me. I rolled my eyes and sat back against my head board. My older brother was always so dramatic.
“What did I do now?” I asked curiously. “I’ve been in my room all day.”
“Did you or did you not speak to Jessica today?” he was staring at me closely. I placed my hand on my chin and pretended to think. His stare was making me uncomfortable but I ignored the feeling. He sighed and started pacing around my room. He walked back to me. “Let me see your phone.”
“What? No! It’s my phone. Why do you even care? So what if I spoke to Jessica, she’s my friend!” I stood up and kept my phone behind my because he was still eyeing the darn thing.
“Did you really have to tell her I wasn’t worth her time?” he cried.
I laughed, “Well are you?” He paused and took a step back. Looking into his eyes he looked a bit sad that I nearly reached out to touch him.
“But that’s really uncalled for Jenna,” he choked up. He shook his head when I didn’t respond. As he turned to walk out I grabbed his arm.
“Look,” I said slowly. “You’re right. I shouldn’t have said that. But, I was only looking out for my friend. Johnny, you’re my brother and I love you but it’s a bit weird that you’re trying to date my best friend especially when I’ve seen your track record. I live with you dude.”
He looked at me with understanding. He touched my shoulder softly and spoke quietly. “Did you really think I wouldn’t take things seriously with your best friend? Trust me I’m not trying to ruin your relationship with her. I’m just trying to build one with her. I serious about her Jenna. She makes me happy.”
I flicked his fingers from my shoulder. “Fine I’ll talk to her. Just don’t break her heart or I’ll crush yours,” I warned as I hopped back on my bed. He thanked me and smiled before walking out.
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