• Dialogue

    Leave me alone…. He replayed those words over and over in his head. Where did it go so wrong? They were laughing , for hours it seemed, and all he did was ask her one little question. One question that ruined it all…

    Two hours before, Class had finished and everyone seemed to rush out. Jack couldn’t understand why, all anyone did these days was smoke up and pretend to have a life. The only two people left in the class were jack and Eve. As she packed her stuff into her book bag, she looked up at him and smiled. This was all the encouragement he needed, to finally get the chance to talk to her.

    ”Hey, eve. Wait up?”

    She looked back and her thick eyebrows arched in surprise.

    “ you know my name..? How… “

    ”I’ve been watching you…” as he said this he realized how creepy it would sound so he hurriedly went on “ I just meant I noticed your notebook had Harry Potter all over it along with what I assume is your name in hearts”.

    She chuckled “ well sir your assumption is correct, and now I assume you share a love of Harry Potter as well…?

    ”Actually.. I kind of hate it”.

    She gasped dramatically and put her hand to her chest “ I can’t believe you would say something so hurtful”

    “oh I’m totally joking,” he raised his sleeve to show off his deathly hallows tattoo “been obsessed since forever”.

    her eyes seemed to brighten up a bit “ jack Keats a fan of magic. Never would have guessed.”

    ”oh? And why’s that.i actually met the entire cast for the premiere of the last hallows”

    ”Jack, I will Avada your ass so fast if you’re lying!”.

    “But that’s really uncalled for..” he said laughingly, and her expression only made him laugh that much harder.

    ”but seriously I did go, and actually I was wondering..”. he cleared his throat as her expression turned to stone, “ if you would want to come with me to this trivia thing tonight “.

    As she responded her voice sounded lighter as if she was letting out air “ I would love to”

    Jack was so excited that he didn’t even pause to think before he said “ Awesome. If your parents don’t mind, I’ll pick you up at 7?”.

    Her face seemed to droop and her eyes glassed over “my parents.”

    In realizing his mistake he began to say “ eve, I’m sorry I didn’t——

    She threw her bag over her shoulder and started walking out. “ it’s fine. Just leave me alone”.



  • Dialogue- Prompt 2

    Prompt #2

    Real Estate agent- What do you think of this place?

    Alejandra- hmmm there are some features that I like but i’m not sure.  I don’t think I love it. 

    Real Estate Agent- well is there something in particular you do not like? Perhaps the contractors can make these changes.

    Alejandra- I like the big windows which allow for natural light to come in and for our guests to sit by the windows. I believe it will draw them in and lose themselves with the scenery. Now, I don’t like the floor and the pipes visibility. But to be honest, I am undecided with what i would like. I just know this place doesn’t feel like it’s the one.

    Real Estate Agent- Okay, don’t worry. We will keep looking and find the one for you.

    To be continued….


  • Dialogue scene

    It was 6 o’clock and there was still no sign of Bryan texting anytime soon. For the one-hundredth time, Lorena checked her iPhone for a message. It’s her mother’s retirement party and they were going to be late. Not wanting to wait any longer, Lorena dials Bryan’s number furiously. After the fourth ring, he picks up. “Hello?” Bryan answers. “Yeah, you wanna tell me why you haven’t texted me back all day?” she grits. “Lor, I was going to text you when I was on my way to your house. Chill out,” he replies. After spending all day being angry about receiving no texts, Lorena was furious now. Her fingers gripped the phone tighter while she tried to steady her breathing. “Chill out? CHILL OUT? I’m sorry. I didn’t know my mom’s retirement party isn’t important to you.” she yells. Bryan takes a deep breath because that’s nowhere near what he said. Lorena always takes things to the next level. “Babe, I said to chill out not that I hate your mom. What the hell,” he replies. “It’s ten minutes until my mom is supposed to arrive for the surprise and you are taking your sweet time to come and pick me up. It seems pretty messed up that you didn’t leave sooner.” she retorts. “Here we fucking go. You see this is your problem. You assume and don’t ask. Not a hey Bryan are you okay, why haven’t I heard from you. Nope. I’m the bad guy because we aren’t an hour early as you want.” he huffs. Lorena realizes he is trying to place the blame away from himself. “You know what? Forget it. You’re obviously not even on your way. You can take your excuses and shove them far up your –“. she screams. “I’m not trying to argue today Lorena. I’m not. Yes, I should have texted you but your yelling needs to reach a 0. I understand you’re upset but that was really uncalled for.” Suddenly, Lorena feels drained of this conversation. It’s two minutes until her mom’s big arrival. “Just hurry up and come get me. We need to finish this conversation tonight. Without us being assholes.” She smiles a bit and hangs up her iPhone. She walks over to her couch to wait for his stupid car to arrive.

  • Dialogue Prompt

    Jassi: “Papa please tell mom that I cannot be a nurse. I am a teacher now, Mom, I have tenure! I am youngest teacher to have tenure, you should be proud!”


    Papa: “Yes, we are both proud of you baache. You are doing good, but I think what your mother wants is something better for you. Teaching is a great thing you are doing but listen to what your mother has to say.”


    Mom: “You can be teaching in nursing; you can do management and make so much more money with nursing. Look at your cousin sonu, look at how much money she is making. And she has 10 marriage proposals for her. You had that many and you turn every man down”


    Jassi: “Ma please don’t go there, I am tired of marriage purposals and you comparing me to sonu, I do not care about sonu and her life!”


    Mom: “AY watch your mouth ladke, don’t forget who you are talking to.”


    Jassi: “Sorry”


    Papa: “I think we all need to take a little break from this and have some chai and rusk to calm our nerves? Jassi?”


    Jassi: “Yes papa, I will go and prepare everything”


    Jassi leaves the dining room and walks into the kitchen

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