
“Don’t fall asleep. Don’t fall asleep. Do.Not.Fall.Asleep.”

Let me just get up. I open my eyes to the view of several pelvic and stomach areas…how lovely. I need to get up. There are too many people I feel like I’m about to faint. It’s so congested. It feels like Times Square on New Year’s Eve. I’m being smushed, in between a guy that clearly was raised on a farm and has no proper etiquette as he sits with his legs wide open, and then a woman that smells as though she’s bathed in Victoria Secret perfume. Ugh I’m so naseuous. I try to put my head down and “woosah” my nerves. Inhale and exhale. That’s all I’m focusing on.

“You’ll leave soon. You’re getting off soon. Don’t worry, you can do this.”

Suddenly, my whole body jolts right into Mr. LegsWideOpen as Ms. Victoria Secrets’ elbow nudges into my stomach to stop herself from falling on top of me. I pick my head up and see faces of despair as we call come to a sudden stop.

“You’ve gotta be kidding me. Where the heck are we at?”

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