Plot (timeline) of my untitled fictional short story


Beginning-setting drive home from work. Calls twin brother to share news but feels guilty, shitty

Michael is on his way home from work. Today he was offered a new promotion to be the Vice President of a division at Hammer International a Global Investment Corp. based out of Sydney, Australia. He has one month to accept the offer and additional month to close out business in his current title and transition to the new position in Sydney, Australia. Driving in his car home he is thinking about his twin brother Terrence. Terrence was given a year or less to live 4 months ago. Terrence recently moved into hospice within the last month. He is having an internal conversation which sometimes becomes a verbal conversation with himself out loud. 

Middle: setting Michael & Tamara’s home

Michael reaches home. He tells his fiance Tamara  who is happy for him but she also understands the enormous weight that this decision will for everyone involved.  


End:setting hospice with twin, Tamara and Raheem


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