Snowy days are her favorite. As the fresh snow falls outside, her eyes track every atom of snow from the sky to the ground. Her oily forehead smudges the window as she leans on it mesmerized by the snow. How can one person love a season so much? She watched through the window for so long its as though the snow was calling her name. Looking frantically for her boots, all her brain thought about was her reaching outside before the snow stopped falling. At once; she found them. Never had I seen someone put shoes on so quickly. Those are her favorite boots; they would be mine too, if I was her. the smooth suede texture make them to die for; its like rubbing your hand across heaven. The brown bow sits perfectly on the back of them smack dab in the middle of each boot; screaming “look at me; I’m pretty and I bounce”. She gallops down the stairs an onto the porch. As she steps her right foot off the porch, to head to the two last steps that await her, she gets the landing she didn’t see coming. Her left foot fails her and slides briskly off the porch and under her. She gets up, breathes in the moist air and slowly proffers her tongue outward trying to catch as many snow flakes as she can. At last, she is in her own winter wonderland.
Inspiration: Jerome describing the Kipps. Write a narrative in which a character describes someone he/she/they have visited. Include as many concrete sensory details as you can.
The moment their eyes landed on him, their chest cavity became home to a pair of syncopated wings belonging to the fiercest of birds. Broad shoulders gave way to what appeared to be lean and sinewy muscles. The cuffed midnight blue jeans and well-worn white sneakers presented an air of comfort while the dress shirt, with its sleeves rolled up to the elbow and first three buttons undone simply oozed sex. Watching him stop and say hello to all his friends did nothing to stop the rapid somersaults taking place in their stomach. The closer he got, the more there was to take in. Expertly tousled black hair, which brushed his shoulders, sharp cheekbones, full red lips, and a light dusting of freckles around his nose immediately crept pass their defenses and cause a warmth to be felt on their face.
Suddenly, this god is standing right in front of them. Taking his sunglasses off, he looks right at them with his piercing green eyes.
“Hi, I’m James.”
The Three Ladies
Not a week goes by when another person would come in and observe our beautiful ladies, some would ask where did you get them? Some others would just say, “I never saw them before and I being here so many times”, it is beautiful. Some others would ask for it or try to take claim of it. To which each of the ladies at the front desk with a smile would say the same thing each time “get in line but, know that we are in first”.
As you entered the office at your right hand you would see them every day, each wears a different colored dress with head warp and earrings that match. One wears a beautiful forest green dress, as you looked at it, it inspires you to think of beautiful greens of the fields, her head is covered with a wrap that conceals her hair, her round green earrings frame her beautiful milk chocolate oval face. Her expression is of peace, gentleness and with closed eyes you could almost hear her breath in the depth of her surroundings. Her long-handed fingers hold a tall, white, beige and gray water base. By the lady in green her sister stands in the middle with her burn yellow dress, the burn yellow of sugar cane burning in a faraway field, she also wears a head wrap and earrings, but her earrings are triangular and seemed to point to the exact point where your eyelids meet when you close your eyes. In the cradle of her right hand she holds the most precious of nature’s gifts to a woman, a child, the infant is wrapped in a beige baby blanket, the only part of the infant you can enjoy is his/her angelic face, you cannot see his eyes, by the expression of the woman holding him it seems that he is looking straight at her. Her cooing expression shows the worries of tomorrow, the joys of today and the pain of yesterday. The other woman in the left wears a blood red dress with her headwrap and earrings matching, but her earrings are square, her hair is not completely covered by her wrap for one can see her hair falling in a thick long ponytail, her long neck and square earrings make her look royal, in her hands she holds a cluster of lilies of the valley, her expression is of peace and tranquility. Each woman holds her precious cargo with expressions that cannot be missed, each have her eyes close as if she did not want to see what is going around them but just enjoy their precious gifts and each other’s company in silence and tranquility.
Marvin sat down hastily after getting his plate.
“I told you, ma, I dont wanna eat. I dont even understand why I need to be here at all. nobody in this family pays any mind to me until I fuck something up, so there’s no point in me really even being here”, said Marvin as he picked at his plate showing no interest in the meal Ma had just taken hours to prepare.
Olivia sat directly across from Marvin, blatantly annoyed.
“You make no sense, Marvin. you’re apart of the family and if ma wants you here for dinner it doesn’t matter how much the rest of us dont really care for your presence.” scoffed Olivia as she rolled her eyes, placing her hand on her cheek and looking down at her untouched food.
As soon as Marvin was about to muster up a comeback Levi barged into the dining room.
“HEY BITCHES” shouted Levi as he joined Marvin and Olivia at the dining table. “This is why Im so happy im the baby and none of you live here anymore. I couldn’t take y’all interrupting dinner for your childish antics. If I wanted a soap opera I would turn on Univision. can y’all just stop before ma comes out here you know she just wanted everyone together a few more times before everything changes.
Changes. That was all Levi had to say to remind Olivia and Marvin why they were here. despite their complete and utter disinterest in all things Ma, they knew their attendance was required. There was only allowed to be one outcast in the family and Georgie had made sure to fill that position very quickly after his departure into adulthood.
“And dont mention Georgie either, y’all know how Ma gets when she hears his name. I want to try and make this as enjoyable as possible” continued Levi as he reached for the Italian dressing.
“I dont care, Levi, im over this. Im tired of having to jump evey single time ma says so all because Georgie the prodigal son couldn’t do his one job of staying underneath Ma’s ass so that the rest of us could move on with our lives. im over this. I want to live my own life without being summoned to these unbearable boring family dinners every time y’all —”
marvin was cut short by Ma’s entrance. Ma, in all her exhaustion, had the biggest smile on her face despite all the drama that had to take place to get most of her kids to dinner. In her hands she carried a pitcher of juice, and on her face she wore all the stress that she could not ever seem to escape. None of that mattered at that moment because she had what she needed, even if it was forced and even if she had to fight tooth and nail to make it happen.
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