Jenny was standing in 7-Eleven with her hands full when she realized she had forgotten to make a cup of coffee. With no basket and unable to place her items on the counter due to the person ahead of her being checked out, she turned to look at the person behind her. She noticed they only had a bag of chips.
“I’m sorry, do you mind holding these for me,” she desperately asked. If jenny didn’t get her daily cup of coffee she would not be able to put on a kind face. “I just forgot to get coffee,” she tried explaining herself. The older woman looked at her strangely before speaking.
“I don’t even know you,” she spoke. Jenny couldn’t help but feel ashamed as the woman looked at her. For the first time Jenny noticed a little girl tugging and the shirt of the lady. She smiled at the child right before the lady softly slapped her hand of her and pushed her slightly behind her. “Why don’t you just get a cart,” the lady asked. She turned to say something to the little girl.
“There are no baskets,” Jenny stuttered, but the lady was still talking to the girl and did not say a word to her when she straightened up. “Do you mind holding my spot in line then? I’ll be super quick,” she tried addressing the lady again.
“Look just pay for the coffee when it’s your turn and go make it after your things are in a bag. I can’t hold all of this I also have to watch my,” she paused, saying this part much more quietly. “My child,” the lady looked away from Jenny and towards outside. Jenny felt bad. She felt as if the woman was praying to get away from her. She turned around and resumed her spot in the line. The woman ahead of her was taking a long time deciding between getting a Reese’s Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup or the White chocolate version.
“Why don’t you get both,” Jenny mumbled under her breath but the woman heard her and turned around.
“If you’re wondering, I don’t have enough for both,” she said before turning back around to continue her decision making process. Jenny let out a sigh. Of course she would find herself in this position stuck between two intolerable people. In fact, she didn’t even want these things anymore. She got off the line and threw the stuff onto a random shelf in the aisle behind her and left the store. She would get coffee elsewhere.
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