
Thomas Behnke

Prof. Walia




Character Sketch


CHARACTER: David Talbot

  1. IMAGE: What does your character look like?\

David is a white male in his early 40s. He has longer than fashionable blond hair, is tall and angular. He is a writer and usually dresses casually, but today he wearing a dress shirt and tie, which he wears with equal success and comfort.

  1. VOICE: What does your character sound like?

David has a low tenor voice with a New York (Bronx) accent. The intensity of that accent correlates exactly to the amount of emotion he is feeling..

  1. DESIRE: What does your character want?

David wants to heal the rift between himself and his teenage daughter, Laura, who is graduating high school today. He has not seen or spoken to her in over two years.

  1. CONFLICT: Who gets in the way of your character getting this want?

David has several obstacles to his goal, including both his actions and inaction in the past regarding his relationship with both his wife and his daughter. He feels he is winning the battle with his past demons, but the fight has affected the people close to him and he has made mistakes. The ultimate obstacle is David’s ex-wife, Laura’s mother, who has involved Laura in their marital problems, and through her actions has alienated Laura from David. In the immediate sense, the train David is on is also an obstacle as there is a long delay when David is heading toward the graduation, threatening to make him late.

  1. ACTION: What does your character do? This can be quite literal—what does the character physically do in your story? Or it can mean figuring out how your character tries to achieve their want.

David has not been invited to the graduation and surely will not be welcome, but he is going anyway. He has written a journal that he wants to give to Laura that explains his side of the story, including how much he loves her and misses her and the reasons he had to leave. He chose the journal because he is never allowed to be alone with Laura and anything he says is immediately contradicted by her mother. He is hoping Laura will read the unfiltered journal in private. He plans to watch the graduation as anonymously as possible, and once the ceremony is over, give Laura the book and leave.




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